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Toby Tobias: American Global Music

Afternoon TEA is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts | February 7, 2024 at 2pm


Toby Tobias: American Global Music

Huntington Station-based songwriter and performer Toby Tobias is looking forward to performing on the Landmark T.E.A. Stage. Born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa, Toby has immersed himself in numerous genres of American Music while never leaving behind his roots in the rhythms and melodies of his homeland. He is a graduate of the Rubin Academy of Music in Jerusalem, Israel. His keen ear for intuitive arrangements is a hallmark of his writing and performance, and he has garnered a strong following on Long Island and beyond. tobytoby.com

Can’t make it in person? Register for the livestream here.


Afternoon T.E.A. is a free program for seniors featuring live entertainment, lectures, classic films and more! Afternoon TEA is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts.

Partners in Performing Arts

Logo of Peter & Jeri Dejana Foundation.
Logo of New York State Council on the Arts.
Logo of Harding Real Estate.
Logo naming Partner in Performing Arts sponsors Sarah and Kenneth Goldblatt.
Logo of Town of North Hempstead.